Ben Schodel X Brisbane Motorcycles (2-Day Event)

Cost: $600

Brisbane Motorcycles have teamed up with career motorcycling coach Ben Schodel to develop a series of camp out weekend off-road coaching events for 2025. The events will be structured in small groups of max 10 riders to ensure plenty of one-on-one time with the coach to hone your offroad skills. We plan to build groups to suit your skill level from complete novice to advanced - working through the basics right up to the technical skill of riding your bike seriously fast in a safe environment on a private property.

The events will feature:

  • Current Pro and Ex-pro Enduro Racers sharing tricks of the trade
  • Suspension Education Sessions from Two.O Motorsports
  • New bike presentations with a rundown on the latest tech on multiple brands

Food, drinks and insurance will be supplied with entry. Just bring your bike, riding and camping gear!


Event Date: 22-23 February 2025

Purchase your ticket below, and email any questions to First in, best dressed.

Attendee Details
Please fill in details above before purchase
Contact us if you have questions

Cost: $600